About this Blog:

This is a written account of a series of events that took place last year (2010) and continue even now. As a means of protecting myself, and those involved, my name, and the names of all involved will be changed. I will post as often as I am able to, but as the events continue to influence my life, finding myself at a computer for long enough to detail these events is not easy. For the interests of this account, my name is Allen Bishop, and I lived in Riverside, California.
First time readers should start HERE.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

On the Offensive.

     When I made it back to my camping spot, I opened up the otter case. Another series of clues waited inside of it. It was exactly what I knew would be in there, but I wasn't excited to find more riddles. There was a small flash drive, with all the identifiers scraped off, It was brushed aluminum, with a green plastic Ω embossed on one side. There was a tag on it that read 
"Do not put this into your computer. Save for the database."
     There was also a small voice recorder in the box, as well as a fresh box of ammunition for my pistol.
 How considerate. I grabbed my headphones and plugged them into the recorder before pressing play. It was a second message from Gregory Faulkner.

     "I'm glad you've made it this far. I realize that at this juncture things are probably getting more dangerous for you. In fact, I imagine that you found this location through a violent encounter. Hopefully you figured out the knife puzzle in a more peaceable way. Regardless, thus far you have likely been acting on the defensive. Today, you will begin acting on the offense.You have a Flash drive with you, it contains a copy of a virus which will download all of the files from whatever computer it is plugged into, and remove them from the computer. It will load them onto a secure server. I can't give you the address of that server yet, but when the virus has been activated, it will remove itself from the drive, and there will be instructions on a document there. I know, all of what I am saying is hard to believe, but I'd hope that by now you can take this at face value: I have been trying to do good for the world. There is a horrible secret out there, and I need your help to expose it. If telling you was enough, I would, but for now, please trust me. At the end of this ordeal, everything will make sense to you, and you will have changed the entire world for the better.
     Now, there are two more things I need to tell you: first of all, the location of the database. I won't encode it this time, but only because of the second thing I am telling you. Anyway, Go to 37.585951,-104.283482. There will be a small airstrip there, and it will be under surveillance. It's expected that no one will go there, so it isn't guarded regularly, but you can't be too cautious. There will be a metal panel on the airstrip, it is the entrance to the bunker. Inside, you'll find the Database. Find a console you can plug the drive into, and when the symbol lights up, pull the drive, and get the hell out. It takes about fifteen minutes for a guard to arrive when the alarm has sounded. 
     Now. The second thing I need to tell you is that you are not alone. There is another man trying to fight the fight you are fighting. For his sake, I can't tell you his name, but his initials are S. C. Shit, the recording is about to run out. Friend, I know that you must resent me, and I know that I am asking too much from you, but I promise you, this is for the good of everyone. thank"

     The recording ended. Maybe he was thanking me. Maybe he was thanking god. It didn't matter to me. For the first time in close to a month, I wasn't alone. 

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