About this Blog:

This is a written account of a series of events that took place last year (2010) and continue even now. As a means of protecting myself, and those involved, my name, and the names of all involved will be changed. I will post as often as I am able to, but as the events continue to influence my life, finding myself at a computer for long enough to detail these events is not easy. For the interests of this account, my name is Allen Bishop, and I lived in Riverside, California.
First time readers should start HERE.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


When last we saw our heros, the scientist at Ucla had locked us into his lab. Allen freaked, and charged the door, and the scientist, who was clearly shaken by Allen's berserker attitude tried to compose himself. As soon as he saw what the compound we had sent him was capable of, he called the FBI. He alerted them that he had found potential terror suspects, and they had arranged this trap. He then turned and ran.

Allen stood by the door a moment, then he smashed his fist against the glass of the door. It was one of those ones they have at schools, with the narrow slit of wire-reinforced glass. He didn't get through it, but he did crack it up, and messed up his hand pretty badly. He barely batted an eyelash. He grabbed his gun from his coat and shot through the lock, nearly knocking kevin deaf. The door hinged inwards, but with some tugging and jimmying, we had it open. We split down the hallway immediately, only to turn the corner into a group of vest-wearing policemen. We turned back around ,and got going through another corridor. Then up a set of stairs. then through two more hallways, until we found ourselves stuck in a classroom. We barricaded up the door, and we could hear the cops outside smashing at the door already.

We were cornered in the classroom on the second floor, and I had no idea what we were going to do. They were smashing at the door, breaking the desks we had shoved against it. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. when I finally did, I found Kevin standing by an open window, with no sign of Allen anywhere. Kevin looked at me, and stared back out the window. Allen had jumped right out, and made it in one piece. He had drawn his pistol and was gesturing for us to follow. I didn't know what to do, I could make the jump, but I knew that Kevin would never make it that far, the guy was 65, after all. We started searching the room for some way to get him down, but there wasn't really anything. We found some power cords, and tied them together, and then to an anchor in the room. I made the jump, and then Kevin made to follow me. He was about halfway down when a surge protector cracked under his weight, shaking the makeshift rope, and shaking him loose. He fell maybe 6 feet, but it was enough. He twisted his ankle on impact, and his foot was twisted all sorts of crazy.

I ran to him, and slung him over my shoulder, Allen started running ahead, like he was going to leave us. But when the cops burst from the door nearest us, he turned and opened fire on them. I ran as fast as I could, but my body wasn't used to the extra weight, too much time on the computer. I was moving so slowly, I knew, and the cops were gaining on me. One of them caught Kevin's good ankle and pulled. I was so top-heavy that I fell backwards. Another cop was on to of me in no time, and before I knew it, Allen was there again, swinging a stick he had gotten from somewhere. He bashed one cop upside the head, and sent blood spraying everywhere, and with his other hand, he grabbed my arm from the growing dog pile of cops. I tried to go back for kevin, but he was covered in cops, and shouting "Go, go, get out of here!" So we did. We ran as quickly as we could, and made it back to the car. Allen jumped in to drive, and we shot off, with nothing in our minds but escape. We wouldn't think of Kevin again until we were safe. But we weren't there yet, because we could hear the search chopper overhead.

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