About this Blog:

This is a written account of a series of events that took place last year (2010) and continue even now. As a means of protecting myself, and those involved, my name, and the names of all involved will be changed. I will post as often as I am able to, but as the events continue to influence my life, finding myself at a computer for long enough to detail these events is not easy. For the interests of this account, my name is Allen Bishop, and I lived in Riverside, California.
First time readers should start HERE.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Train station

     See, trains are actually pretty awesome, you sit, relax, watch out the window, and nobody really bugs you. I love riding on trains, just taking your time and enjoying it. The bitch of trains is transfers. We had to swap trains twice on the way to chicago. It was the second stop that really messed with us.  We were hopping off of our second train, looking for our third, I don't even know what town it was, The station looked pretty familiar, but I mean, there's kind of a running aesthetic with train stations, so it could've been anywhere. Anyway, we were waiting on a bench, because our train wasn't due for an hour, and someone sat down next to allen. He was wearing a hoodie, so I couldn't really see his face at first. I thought it was a homeless guy, to be honest. Then, Allen stood up with him, and gestured for me to leave. I didn't know what was happening. The man in the hoodie had a fist pressed up against Allen's side, and I realized that the stranger had a gun pressed into him. They walked off, and I was fairly certain that Allen was about to be mugged. I figured, if I'm being honest, that Allen could handle a mugger, So I backed away from them, taking our bags with me. Then, the man with the gun pulled Allen into a security booth, and I realized something was genuinely going on. Not a mugging, something serious. I know that sounds weird to say that a mugging wasn't serious, but I hope you know what I mean. I ran to the door, but it was locked, and I couldn't get it open. It had all been so calm, I hadn't realized that anything serious was happening, but suddenly I was alone in a strange city, and Allen had been taken. We missed the train.

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